铸造宏色经典 | 宏远控股集团党总支被授予顺义区非公企业党组织示范点荣誉
近日,宏远控股集团有限公司党总支被授予“ 顺义区非公企业党组织示范点”荣誉。此次获评荣誉,既是鼓励,又是鞭策,既是区委组织部对公司党建工作的充分肯定,同时也浸透着对宏远党建工作的大力支持和殷切的期望,标志着公司党建工作要向更高标杆看齐、向更高目标迈进。
近日,宏远控股集团有限公司党总支被授予“ 顺义区非公企业党组织示范点”荣誉。此次获评荣誉,既是鼓励,又是鞭策,既是区委组织部对公司党建工作的充分肯定,同时也浸透着对宏远党建工作的大力支持和殷切的期望,标志着公司党建工作要向更高标杆看齐、向更高目标迈进。
"Recently, with the assistance of Beijing Capital Airport Customs, a shipment originating from 'Shenzhen to Beijing Capital Airport' was smoothly transferred directly to Hongyuan Beijing Regional Export Assembly Warehouse within the domestic flight arrival area. It successfully underwent international flight security inspections and delivery, with the entire process taking just 3.5 hours."
Recently, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Equipment Committee, along with the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Clothing Logistics Branch, organized a delegation of domestic clothing and logistics companies, as well as equipment manufacturers, for a visit and inspection in Japan. The delegation visited the Hongyuan warehouse in Haneda, Japan, as well as other well-known logistics company parks.
At the event, Deputy Director Li Yanling of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce presented appointment letters to the second group of 10 "Beijing Business Environment and Headquarters Economic Development Think Tank Expert Advisors."
"On the occasion of the Party's founding day, the people of Hongyuan, including the 'Hong Er Dai' (second-generation Hongyuan employees), use their pens and brushes to write about the glorious years and depict a beautiful life. They passionately sing the praises of the Party's achievements, express their firm belief and sincere emotions in always following the Party's guidance, and add a special brilliance to this unique holiday!"
Celebrating the Party's Day, Hongyuan remains forever loyal to the Party. In order to fully leverage the role of party building as a guide, enhance historical understanding, and draw valuable experience for business development from the study of history, on May 26th, Hongyuan Holdings Group, in collaboration with Shunyi Life Insurance, organized the "The Centenary of Glory: Inheriting the Essence of Red Culture" themed party day event. This event looked back at the Party's century-old history and drew strength from its struggles. Several representatives from the Party Committee of Shunyi Life Insurance and Hongyuan Holdings Group participated in this event.
On the afternoon of May 5th, the 6th Second Member Congress and Second Board of Directors Meeting of the Beijing Port Association was held at the China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi New Pavilion).
To deeply study the unwavering faith and unwavering spirit of exploration of Comrade Deng Xiaoping during his time in Jiangxi, on April 4, the Party Committee of Hongyuan Holdings Group Co., Ltd. and the Party Branch of Jiangxi International Freight Airlines Co., Ltd. jointly organized the "Embarking on a New Journey with Hongyuan · Remembering Deng Xiaoping's Footprints" themed joint party-building activity.
近日,宏远控股集团有限公司党总支被授予“ 顺义区非公企业党组织示范点”荣誉。此次获评荣誉,既是鼓励,又是鞭策,既是区委组织部对公司党建工作的充分肯定,同时也浸透着对宏远党建工作的大力支持和殷切的期望,标志着公司党建工作要向更高标杆看齐、向更高目标迈进。
"Recently, with the assistance of Beijing Capital Airport Customs, a shipment originating from 'Shenzhen to Beijing Capital Airport' was smoothly transferred directly to Hongyuan Beijing Regional Export Assembly Warehouse within the domestic flight arrival area. It successfully underwent international flight security inspections and delivery, with the entire process taking just 3.5 hours."
Recently, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Equipment Committee, along with the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Clothing Logistics Branch, organized a delegation of domestic clothing and logistics companies, as well as equipment manufacturers, for a visit and inspection in Japan. The delegation visited the Hongyuan warehouse in Haneda, Japan, as well as other well-known logistics company parks.